
Photograph taken by yours truly in eastern Washington state at sunrise, 2004

Monday, November 5, 2012

Where I Got My Res Life Roots

Tonight I thought I'd sift through some old papers and poems I'd written in high school and college - because, yes, I save almost all of them.  But then I came across something that brightened my evening - something I haven't read in years.  It's an "OTM" or Of-the-Month award - one of those acronyms we use in student affairs.  I think it's a sign that I need to start writing them again because I was so persistent about recognizing others as a college student.  I always felt it put a positive mark on a person's life - it put the spotlight on them and gave them strength in knowing the work they did was meaningful.  A little extra side effect?  It made me feel good to recognize others, too.

I rarely get teary-eyed but reading this OTM tonight that an RHA colleague wrote about me in February 2000 has certainly reminded me of where I got my res life roots.  It's totally self-promoting to post it but it's been more than twelve years since it was written.  And maybe folks who know me now can get a little sense of the guy I was.  I'm glad I saved it.  Thank you Kristen for the sweet nomination you wrote about me back then.  We lost touch but I hope you're rocking whatever you're doing in life.  :) 

Here ya go, everyone.

             Have you ever met the type of person that at first does not outwardly seek leadership positions, but when he finally does accept a position the results are remarkable? Michael Goodhart is that type of leader. At the beginning of the school year, Radford University’s Residence Hall Association (RHA) decided to create the appointed position of Webmaster. Michael more than fit the bill, through his love of computers and previously made web sites. 

            During the month of February, Michael has, without a doubt, been RU’s greatest residence hall student leader. He has added to and maintained the RHA web site almost daily. Recently, he has even scanned and posted pictures of RHA conferences, programs, and intramural events. One of his major projects during the month of February was formulating the RHA logo contest. He saw that RU’s RHA had a slogan but no logo, so he compiled examples from other Residence Hall Organizations across the country to show hall senators in hopes that someone would draw a logo for a reward of twenty-five dollars. Michael received over fifteen submissions by the end of the month, which was way more than anticipated! 

            Being fairly new to RHA, Michael had never attended a leadership conference. His first opportunity came at the beginning of February when the Virginia Association of College and University Residence Halls (VACURH) held their annual conference. The National Communications Coordinator chose Michael to head the name tags committee. This year, nametags would be judged as opposed to displays. Michael’s committee worked diligently to produce creative nametags that well represented Radford. The delegation proudly showed them off at VACURH. 

             Then during mid-February, Radford began preparing for the No Frills conference and writing a School of the Year bid. Even though it was not in his job description, Michael worked many sleepless hours on the bid with other executive board members. He played a vital role in compiling information, proofreading others’ work, and polishing up the final details. 

            Not only had Michael attended his first conference and helped write a School of the Year bid, but he also found time to start planning for next year. Executive board members for Radford’s RHA had to complete their bids to run by the end of the month. Michael knew he wanted to be even more involved next year, so he decided to run for Vice Chair of Policies and Procedures. His bid was not only thorough and concise, but it was ready to be turned in a week early! 

            In addition to his work with residence hall government on the campus level, Michael helps to advise his respective Residence Hall Council in Trinkle Hall. He is a positive role model for the hall council officers to emulate. They look to him for advice and ask for help during meetings when things are not running as planned. Officers also come to Michael for one-on-one guidance. This month, he has successful encouraged two hall officers to run for campus-wide positions next year! While still advising and helping Trinkle Hall Council, Michael also maintains their web site. His ability to create remarkable web sites even fascinates students who major in Information Systems! 

            Michael has truly exceeded all aspects of being a student leader by continuously showing dedication and effort to his campus.  His lists of accomplishments this month have truly been impressive. He has gone well above and beyond his duties as RHA Webmaster. For these reasons, I take great pride in nominating Michael Goodhart for Executive Board Member of the Month for February.


  1. Mike,
    What a great memory and such a deserving OTM. Seems like ages ago. I remember when you were first "roped" into Trinkle Hall Council! :)

    It's amazing how things impact our lives. Hope you are doing well.


    1. Erika, I'm pretty sure you played a role in me getting roped in, didn't you? :) Even if you didn't play a direct role, you were always there for me, in so many ways. It IS amazing how things impact our lives. I'm glad to see that you are blogging by the way, and I'll be following along and keeping you in my thoughts. ~Mike
